Monetary policy shocks data for India: Excel File [Updated through February 2023]
For details, see the paper "Measuring Monetary Policy Shocks in Emerging Economies: Evidence from India" with Rajeswari Sengupta, forthcoming in Journal of Money, Credit and Banking
Monetary Policy Uncertainty Data for US: Latest data available from San Francisco Fed here: :
Orignal data: CSV File from the paper "Market-Based Monetary Policy Uncertainty" with Michael Bauer and Philippe Mueller, published in The Economic Journal
For details, see the paper "Measuring Monetary Policy Shocks in Emerging Economies: Evidence from India" with Rajeswari Sengupta, forthcoming in Journal of Money, Credit and Banking
Monetary Policy Uncertainty Data for US: Latest data available from San Francisco Fed here: :
Orignal data: CSV File from the paper "Market-Based Monetary Policy Uncertainty" with Michael Bauer and Philippe Mueller, published in The Economic Journal